A Perfect Christmas
"For the child who thinks that Santa is a dreation of the Disney Corporation, or Hallmark cards, and for the parent who is tired of battling to keep the holy holidays of Christmas alive, while competing with the avalanche of materialistic posion that has engulfed the advent season, A Perfect Christmas provides a long overdue, beautifully written and illustrated antidote"" ~ Frank Schaeffer, author of Portofino and Keeping Faith A Perfect Christmas reclaims the spirit of Christmas from the commercial secularized culture of the ""winter holidays"" that has almost obliterated the Christian meaning of the celebration of the birth of Christ . Author Dennis Eugene Engleman and illustrator Niko Chochel have collaborated to restore St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) to his rightful place in the imagination of Children, and perhaps their parents too! In this mystical and beautiful story, tolf in the classic manner of an Orthodox Russian folk tale , past and present collide as a modern child meets the real ""St. Nick."" At The heart of this wonderful contemporary Christmas parable is a tale of compassion, shared love and family with a little of the real Saint Nicholas life woven in, just enough to whet the appetite of the reader for more! the pages of A Perfect Christmas glow with the warmth of a bygone era when Christmas was filled with the mystery of the Incarnation, simple shared love, and grace.