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Coptic Icons

The Holy Theotokos
Archangel Michael
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Christ Enthroned
St. Antony
Feeding the Multitude
The Holy Virgin Mary
Christ Crucified
The Last Supper
Christ the Pantocrator
St. Paul the Apostle
St. Athanasius the Apostolic
St. Pishoy The Beloved of Our Good Savior
The Holy Theotokos Icon
The Divine Majesty on the Dome
St. George
The Resurrection - The Feast of Pascha
St. Samuel The Confessor
St. Mena II
St. Cyril of Alexandria
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St. Mark
St. John Chrysostom
The Annunciation Icon
The Wedding at Cana
The Three Saintly Youth Icon
St. Mena I
St. Basil the Great
St. Anthony and St. Paul
St. Demiana and The Forty Virgins

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