St. Antony
He was born in Upper Egypt. After his parents’ repose, he distributed his inheritance and placed his sister in a house of virgins. He became a hermit in a desert near the Red Sea.
In 85 years of ascetic life, he went only twice to Alexandria: once to give encouragement to martyrs, seeking martyrdom himself, and the second time to refute the Arian heresy.
He founded his first monastery in Fayoum. At age 90, a vision was sent to him to seek out St. Paul the first hermit. He reposed at the age of 105 years on January 30th. In accordance to his wishes, he was buried secretly.
He once said: “I no longer fear God, but I love Him; for love casts out fear.” St. John Chrysostom once said: “Heaven with its stars are less in beauty than the Egyptian desert with its monks.”
In this icon, he is featured with a white beard not only indicating his elderly age but also signifying him to be a wise elder. He is vested in a leather girdle referring to his high monastic rank. He holds a scroll in his hand containing the words he heard in the Church that made him leave the world: “If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have, give it to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven” (Mt. 19:21). His right hand is in the blessing gesture. In the lower corner, the vignette of St. Anthony visiting St. Paul with a raven descending with a full loaf of bread instead of the usual half loaf for St. Paul. Moreover, there are two lions represented near a gravesite that they dug to help St. Anthony bury St. Paul.
Icon Size Details:
Small: 3” x 6” inches
Medium: 5.5” x 10.5” inches