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Church Sacraments

Church Sacraments


Author: Fr. Marcos Daoud, Pages: 84

These studies were primarily meant to be used as lectures to the students of the Theological School of the Holy Trinity in Addis Ababa.  The Ethiopian Church was kind enough to order them to be published in 1951 for the benefit, not only of those students, but also of others who like to have an idea of the teaching of our Church.

And now, that there are many Coptic Orthodox Churches aboard in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, etc.; and that many of the African Churches began to stretch their hands to the Coptic Church of Egypt asking for help, it has been deemed necessary to republish his book, which is the first to be written in English on this subject.

Into the hands of the Almighty I (Fr. Marcos Daoud) Submit this humble work, beseeching Him to bless it for the glory of His name and the benefit of His Church.  (Cairo, July 1975)

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