The Holy Bible and Science
The Holy Bible, the most valuable book in the world is the subject of our concern in this study. Out of millions of books, Man had never known a book that caused peace and happiness to rest in his heart but, the Holy Bible. Sweetness and charm flow from its golden words that were formed by God Himself. St. Cyprian says, about them, "The springs of Godly fulfillment presented Man." It is the only book that said to be the book of all time, all ages, and all kind of people .. it is the book of every person.
Although very simple in its expression of ideas, so suit every time, age and standard, the Holy Bible is very deep in its meanings. It satisfies every nation, every scholar and every scientist. Science has its own language and expressions throughout the age and experiences. Though this language, the scientific understanding is mutual amongst nation. But the Holy Bible, as a book of all people and ages, uses simple common expressions when dealing with scientific matters. It describes the scientific phenomena according to what man can see, using the most simple language.
This book has been written by His Grace Bishop Bola of Tanta - Egypt in Arabic and has been compiled & Revised by Fr. Markos R. Hanna.