The Rite and Hymns of The Holy Week Of Pascha
The Heritage of the Coptic Orthodox Church choir presents The Rite and Hymns of the Holy Week of Pascha, which contains the most accurate versions of every hymn of Passion Week, with all its melismatic and recitative tunes, based on the oral and recorded tradition of Cantor Mikhail Ghabrial Girgis El-Batanouny. This production consists of:
- A set of 10 audio CD discs, with 8 CDs of recordings by the choir and 2 CDs of sources for some of the noteworthy hymns.
- The full description of the rites and a recording of the hymns of the weekdays of Passion Week, Holy Thursday with its Lakkan service and Divine Liturgy, and Good Friday, ending with the hymn Golgotha.
- Recordings of lost hymns such as the grand melismatic mournful tune of the hymn "Tishoori," the Greek hymn "To dipno" chanted on Holy Thursday, and the "Deemas" hymn chanted on Good Friday.
- The participation of H.G. Bishop Rafael, Fr. Mattias Nasr, as well as other cantors from Egypt in this production.
- The CDs were recorded and mastered digitally in a professional studio.