The Rite and Hymns of The Kiahk Raising of Incense and Liturgy
The most complete and accurate versions of every hymn of The Rite and Hymns of the Kiahk Raising of Incense and Liturgy , according to the Coptic tradition, is now here. This production by the HCOC features:
• All the melismatic and recitative tunes for the Raising of Incense and the Divine Liturgy in the month of Kiahk, all of which are based on the oral and recorded tradition of Cantor Mikhail Ghabrial Girgis El-Batanouny.
• Includes rare hymns, such as Ti-parthenos, which is chanted during Communion in the month of Kiahk; the Adam Espasmos for the Third Sunday; the Psalm and Gospel Responses for each of the Sundays of Kiahk whether for the Vespers Raising of Incense, Prime Raising of Incense, or the Divine Liturgy.
• This production is an MP3 audio CD, with 251 minutes of hymns and rite explanations. As an MP3, instead of audio CDs, this production is made affordable to everyone, without affecting the quality of our recordings.
• The CD was recorded and mastered digitally in professional studios.
ما يقال في القداس الإلهي في شهر كيهك
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