Anger: Escaping the Maze
Anger. We all experience it, some more than others. When is it righteous and when is it not? How can we control our anger and not get caught in a maze of rage when things don't go our way?
David Powlison takes a close look at anger to help us understand what it is and why we have it. He exposes three common misconceptions that leave us powerless to overcome anger. Using the illustration of a traffic jam, he probes the assumptions and cravings of the heart behind a typical angry response.
In place of the false premises and futile consequences of ungodly anger, Powlison guides us to biblical truths and outcomes that honor God and teach us how to live.
There are more other helpful booklets in the Resources for Changing Lives series:
* Angry at God?: Bring Him Your Doubts and Questions
* Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down
* Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer
* Forgiveness: I Just Can't Forgive Myself
* Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love
* Pornography: Slaying the Dragon
* Sexual Sin: Combatting the Drifting and Cheating
* Stress: Peace Amid Pressure
* Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference
* Teens and Sex: How Should We Teach Them?