Daniel the Beloved Man
The Holy Bible contains exciting and interesting stories, and many great characters. It includes between its pages the lives of many great prophets and heroes of faith. But only one of them was called the beloved man; he was the prophet Daniel.
As we study Daniel’s character, we will see that he stood at crossroads and he had to choose.
Either to live in Nebuchadnezzar’s palace and forget his God and His commandments, enjoying all of the earthly pleasures including royal food and drink. As a captive, not in control of his life and destiny, he would have been totally excused for choosing this wide and easy road, which others had chosen. Or give up willingly all of this and choose not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and in this way he would expose his life to danger by disobeying the royal commandments. And this was the narrow gate, the difficult road that only few people travel along.