F.B. Meyer penned biographies of the most famous Biblical figures, including Israel's greatest king, David. In David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King Meyer puts his mighty prose to work, capturing the very spirit and life of this "man after God's own heart." Concentrating on the years that transformed David from a lowly shepherd to the greatest king of Israel, Meyer does not neglect David's earliest years, kingly reign, great sin with Bathsheba and lasting legacy. Practical applications abound in Meyer's writings, and this biography illuminates these applications through the life of David. "To bear with unfailing meekness the spiteful attacks of malice and envy; not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good; to suffer wrong...this is only possible to those in whose breasts the dove-like Spirit has found an abiding-place...and these are they who bear themselves as heroes in the fight."