Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down
Depression is often marked by lost ambition, emotional numbness, fatigue, fear, and withdrawal. If you suffer from depression, there is hope - a way up when you are down. Even if you don't feel like doing anything, this booklet provides manageable steps for getting started on the path that leads out of depression.
Author Edward T. Welch helps us understand the spiritual issues involved, whether one's depression is caused by physical problems or results in them. Getting to the heart of what depression says and means, Welch guides us through a process of dealing with depression biblically and effectively. Paperback booklet.
There are more other helpful booklets in the Resources for Changing Lives series:
* Anger: Escaping the Maze
* Angry at God?: Bring Him Your Doubts and Questions
* Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer
* Forgiveness: I Just Can't Forgive Myself
* Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love
* Pornography: Slaying the Dragon
* Sexual Sin: Combatting the Drifting and Cheating
* Stress: Peace Amid Pressure
* Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference
* Teens and Sex: How Should We Teach Them?