Dictionary of the Christian Church, Third Edition
An essential resource for students of church history
First published in 1997 as The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, this unique, one-volume reference work has put information on all aspects of the Christian church at generations of reader's fingertips. Its extensive cross-referenced A-Z entries offer unmatched coverage of a wide-ranging spectrum of topics.
A roster of acknowledged experts in their fields penned the entries of the Dictionary of the Christian Church. These authors, representing Christian traditions from around the world, offer informed, even-handed treatment of the many subjects addressed in the DCC.
Whether one is seeking information on the Bible, religious orders, theologians or philosophers, archaeology or spirituality, the Dictionary of the Christian Church is the resource to consult. No library should be without this affordable edition of an authoritative work.
- Ideal for clergy, seminarians, students, and anyone interested in topics pertaining to the church
- Thousands of entries are cross-referenced to ease data retrieval
- Scholarly yet accessible
- Priced right for home and church libraries