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Mother to the Saints


Author: Tina Attalla ~ Forwarded by Fr. Macarius Refela, Pages: 70

Discover one of the most influential women of the Early Church, Saint Macrina the Younger, through the eyes of her own brother, Saint Gregory of Nyssa. Her profound impact on her own family spilled over onto the rest of the world as she kept her brothers Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, and Saint Peter of Sebaste on the godly path. Without her, there would be no "Cappadocian Fathers," those great Early Church Fathers who helped formulate the theological language that is foundational to Christian theology. She is hailed by many as "Philosopher of God" and the "Fourth Cappadocian." She embodied Christian virtue and perfection and set the standard for women in holiness and asceticism in the 4th century Roman Empire, a time when women were deemed weak and foolish. Based on English translations of Saint Gregory's original text, this modern rendition seeks to uncover this hidden gem of the Early Church and to make her legacy known to a broader range of audiences who may not otherwise have had access to her biography. Discussion questions are also included to help groups delve deeper into the life and times of Holy Macrina, one of 4th century's precious treasures.

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