The Rite and Hymns of The Glorification Service
This production contains the most accurate versions of every hymn of the The Rite and Hymns of The Glorification Service, according to the Coptic tradition.
It consists of all the melismatic and recitative tunes for the rite, all of which are based on the oral and recorded tradition of Cantor Mikhail Ghabrial Girgis El-Batanouny.
This production consists of 2 sets of 6 audio CD discs, with 5 CDs of recordings by the choir and 1 CD of sources for some of the noteworthy hymns.
Contains all the hymns for the Virgin Mary, as well as some hymns for the angels, martyrs, and saints.
Contains melismatic hymns such as Shere Theotoke, O On Enhelpis Entan, Niromi, Enthoten dhe and others; recitative hymns such as the five parts of the Glorification and the Tatkees; as well as hymns that are recorded for the first time, such as the Adam Doxologies, which are chanted in the Glorification Service only.
The participation of many priests, deacons and cantors s in this production, including the participation of Cantor Ibrahim Ayad, Cantor Satir Mikhail, Cantor Elia Boules, Cantor Osama Fawzy, Deacon Wagdi Bishara, Deacon Diaa Sabry, Deacon Magdy Lateef, and others.
The CDs were recorded and mastered digitally in professional studios.