Sexual Sin: Combatting the Drifting and Cheating
"Any time you see a person engage in illicit sexual behavior, you can be sure that he or she is a cheater," writes Jeffrey S. Black. "He or she wants sexual gratification without intimacy."
Likewise, Black tells us that people never leap into extreme forms of sin; they "drift" into them.
How do we end the cheating and drifting? Because sexuality is spiritual, not purely biological, the solution is to hide God's Word in our hearts. Here Black shows us how the Bible reaches to the roots of sexual sin.
There are more other helpful booklets in the Resources for Changing Lives series:
* Anger: Escaping the Maze
* Angry at God?: Bring Him Your Doubts and Questions
* Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down
* Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer
* Forgiveness: I Just Can't Forgive Myself
* Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love
* Pornography: Slaying the Dragon
* Stress: Peace Amid Pressure
* Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference
* Teens and Sex: How Should We Teach Them?